Cart work is a signal that the door to door is being phased out due to so much bad publicity over to 2 JW witness rule over the internet world wide.
The WT corporation is now coming to the conclusion that future growth in membership is now in a downward spiral so limit lawsuit possibilities by directing its members to other activities to keep them busy with corporation directives and profit$$.
Their holding firmly to the 2 witness rule while at present seems to be untenable due too greater public awareness and the shear volume of lawsuits this has caused. It will be very interesting to see how longs this bunch of delusional clowns called the Governing Body hold out on this very pathetic scriptural excuse for not reporting pedophiles to authorities and endangering the publics welfare. Judging from their past I would say that once they are about to go under financially that is when they will change and then it will be too late. So lawyers get ready for a legal feast day on the WTB&TS, he who hesitates risks millions.
I think a running balance of WT's assets including KHs should be available to the courts and a on going investigation into its asset for the courts to decide damages should be made available in the future. Which may mean excepting a gage order and settling quickly to get their commission before funds run out.